Make A Connection with Your Sponsored Child
As a sponsor, you can build a personal, one-to-one relationship with your sponsored child through letters, and learn about his or her family, community, daily life and hopes for the future. Regular health and progress reports will show you how your sponsorship is improving the child's life. Your correspondence and special gifts give your sponsored child hope, nurturing and confidence. You may even visit your sponsored child and see first-hand the difference your sponsorship contributions are making.
Different Programs, One Focus:
Better Lives For Children
It is truly amazing how much $24 a month can do for a child in need. You can give a child access to healthy food, safe water and an education. And, when you sponsor a child, GRF uses your monthly sponsorship donations, combined with donations from sponsors of other children in your child's community, to support community wide programs and facilities that change lives and plant the seeds of self-sufficiency.
We build schools, teach vocational skills, engage young children in crucial early childhood development activities, provide health care, and establish replenishable sources of food and safe water. We provide emergency assistance to children who are victims of war and natural disaster. We raise awareness of health hazards and child protection issues and even create jobs and business opportunities to enable parents to better support their families.
Our Child
Sponsorship is so much more than an act of charity. Through letters, drawings and photographs, you build a meaningful, personal relationship with one child.
A simple letter is all it takes to put hope in the heart of your sponsored child. Children eagerly look forward to receiving letters and enjoy writing back. Cards, letters and photographs become prized possessions. And, through an exchange of thoughts and ideas, you can stimulate a child's self-esteem and foster a desire for learning.
Uncertain About What To Say?
Information about yourself is a meaningful way for a child to get to know you and is also interesting to your child. The following are ideas to help make your correspondence easier, more effective and more rewarding for you and the child you sponsor.
What To Expect |
When you write to your sponsored child, here's what happens: |
It's worth the wait! It can take 6 to 12 weeks for a complete exchange of letters. Your greeting will mean so much to your sponsored child, and it's a thrill to receive a letter in return. |